h="422" align="left" valign="top"> 2011 Aerial Forest Health Survey Colorado
William M. Ciesla
Forest Health Management International
Fort Collins, CO
Weekly Report 5 – 8-12 Aug
Here is my fifth and final summary of aerial observations made in conjunction with the 2011 aerial forest health survey of Colorado.
I flew two days over areas west of Fort Collins including the Upper Poudre and South Poudre River Basins, the lower Poudre Canyon, Rist Canyon, Redstone Canyon and the Buckhorn Creek Basin. Frank Sapio, USDA Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team accompanied me one day and Dan Kipervaser, Assistant Silviculturist, Canyon Lakes District, Arapahoe Roosevelt NF accompanied me as an aerial observer on the second day.
Grant Opportunity
Attached is another grant opportunity and instructions. E-mail applications and associated map to diana.selby@colostate.edu no later than 4 pm MDT, Thursday September 1, 2011. (Now the deadline is September 8, 2011 at 4pm MDT).
Please read through application instructions carefully to determine if your project is eligible. This application and instructions are slightly different from the recent SFA/WUI (requires a map, has a grant request cap of $20,000, etc.).
READ Instructions
READ Application
You may contact me with any questions.
Thanks, Diana